Cool Your Home
May 10, 2017
Comfortable Living The summer months are brutal in the south. That is why having working and running air conditioning is a vital key to living this upcoming summer. Making sure your units are up and running is something you may want to make sure is up to date. This summer, when the temperatures reach in the upper 90s, it may be too late to react when your unit is not cooling. This leads to a very uncomfortable day. Have your units checked today and make sure you have proper cooling for the summer! Cooling Learn more about cooling and what Muse has to offer. Air conditioners may look similar...
Get ready for the summer!
May 02, 2017
Brace Yourselves, Summer is Coming We are no strangers to the brutal summers that the midsouth has to offer. This spring season has already given us a taste of what is to come, and it is still early in 2017. As basic science tells us, heat rises and that means that if you have a second story to your home; your unit is going to be working harder to keep it cool. There is a simple solution to this though. Duct Free Systems. What is a Duct Free System? Glad you asked. Duct Free Systems Duct free heating and cooling systems make your home's individual rooms or other small spaces more c...
Installation that you need
April 24, 2017
Learn About Proper Installation Having something installed incorrectly can cause issues down the road for any product that is a major investment. HVAC is not different, especially whenever there are many variables to installing such a unit that cools and heats your home. One small mistake from someone, and it'll cost you a lot of money to repair one day even though it may seem okay at the time. Why should you choose Muse when you need a proper installation? Here’s why: Muse Has Professionals Your home comfort system is most likely the single biggest use of energy in your home. I...
Time for repair
April 18, 2017
Importance of Repairs Air conditioning units do not last forever, but the good news is they can have a prolonged life with maintenance. Although your unit may look old and rusty, chances are the inside is not as bad. The outside of your unit is just protection of the inside so it can get the proper job done. The summer is fast approaching, and spring in the can also get up in those high temperatures. What does all this mean you ask? Your Answer The answer to that question is, that you may think your unit is perfectly fine. There very well may be an issue with it that you cannot see at all. ...
Ventilate your home
April 11, 2017
Ventilation Not many people know about ventilation or ventilating your home. Ventilation brings clean and fresh air inside your home without losing heating or cooling energy. This is ideal for money saving and energy saving needs that every family can benefit from. Their unique energy exchange system transfers the heating or cooling energy from the stale air being exhausted from your home to the fresh air the ventilator brings into your home. Some Benefits If your family suffers from allergies, ventilators are a much better alternative for introducing fresh air into your home ve...
Clean Air, is Healthy Air
April 03, 2017
Clean it Up While it's common knowledge that breathing in anything other than oxygen is bad for your health, many might not realize they have bad air inside their own homes. Keeping the air you breath clean is very important to your health. With Muse we have air cleaners that will eliminate this issue for you. As every purchase is an investment, this is an investment that helps keep you and your family healthy. Air Cleaner Air cleaners effectively remove bacteria, pollen, animal dander and other pollutants as small as 0.01 microns. That's 18,000 times smaller than the head of a...
Equipment Coverage Importance
March 27, 2017
Get Covered Equipment Coverage is something many people may not think about when they purchase new equipment. There is also some misconception within what is covered with your homeowner’s policy, and with equipment coverage. The shocking truth is that your products will NOT be covered within that range, and therefore Equipment Coverage is so important for you to purchase. When something unexpectedly breaks, these items can be repaired with this coverage. The Solution Equipment Breakdown Coverage for Homeowners provides affordable coverage for equipment that is built-in, or permanentl...
Spring is here!
March 20, 2017
Hello Spring It's the start of a new season here in 2017. The south is well known for skipping seasons, and we are seeing this happemn already. Last week, it was a toss up each day on if it would be hot or cold. This week, it appears that it is going to get a little toasty again. Because of this, us at Muse want you to be prepared for this upcoming spring and summer seasons. Thermostats are very important, since they control whats happening inside of your homes. Most thermostats may be out of date to current technology, and investing in a new thermostat may not be a bad idea. What...
The Forgotten Unit
March 13, 2017
Something to Think About Sometimes you have rooms that you want to control the temperature of separate from the rest of your house. Similar to zoning, duct free systems can provide the comfort for any room, just the same as an original duct system. A duct free system can also be cost efficient for your wallet. These systems can save you money in the long run so you don't have to spend the big bucks on expensive installation of an actual unit. You may be thinking, "What are the benefits of this?" I am glad you asked, because we have the answers. The Solution THE BENEFITS OF DUC...
Know more about your product
March 07, 2017
Quick Education On Our Products With today's technology, you are able to Google anything. Sometimes we do not know exactly what to search for though. So on our website, you are able to find and learn anything you want to know without having to use Google. The reason we encourage you to become more knowledgable about what you are paying for, is so that you can make the right purchase that best suites you and your family. Where Can I Find this? Today's heating and cooling equipment offers advanced technology and systems to dramatically improve energy efficiency and the comfort le...
Picking the right unit
February 27, 2017
They are Not All the Same When you are looking to invest in a new air conditioning unit, you may just look at the price and say, "this is it." In addition to that, you may also just simply look at the unit and do the same thing. The good news is they are NOT all the same, and we can help you choose the correct unit. We want to save you money on your electric bill, and we have the units that are able to achieve that. Learn more The Solution We offer many air conditioners that have advanced features, such as 2-stage compressors and variable speed fan operation. These fea...
Repairing Your Unit
February 21, 2017
Repair Your Investments If you are like everyone else, your HVAC unit will eventually sart to have issues. Issues only cause more problems, and we want to ensure that you and your family are living comfortably. Other companies usually like to charge too much for a sub par service, with technicians that just try to get the job done. With Muse, we are here for you all the way, and we have expert technicians who know what the problems are. The weather is changing back and forth from cold to hot, which can put a strain on your units. Be sure to call us today to have us come take a look. More In...
Checking on your air quality
February 13, 2017
Indoor Air Quality Living this day in age should be simple right? Well, there is always going to be some sort of hoops to jump through. With how well insulated homes are now, the air quality inside your home traps a lot of unwanted particles. We want to protect the health of you and your family, and the air you breathe in on a daily basis. Dust and other pulluted particles are floating around and need to be controlled. How you ask? The answers are below. Solution If you are one of the many that need to check on the air quality of your home, give Muse a call for a FREE consu...
Time to upgrade
February 07, 2017
Out With the Old, in With the New If you are like many from the midsouth area, you have been living here for quite sometime. HVAC systems are not invincible, and you may be due for an upgrade. If you fall into this category then you should consider upgrading through Muse. Your home comfort system is most likely the single biggest use of energy in your home. In fact, over a third of the energy used in the United States is used to heat and cool buildings. At Muse, we want to install the best quality unit, for the best quality price you are looking for. In addition, we will make sure that i...
Humidify Your Home
January 31, 2017
Humidify Your Comfort Humidity levels are an after thought in today's society. Have you ever wondered if there was a way to be comfortable in lower temperatures with more than just heat? Well we are here to tell you today, that is is possible and easier than you think. Here at Muse, we want to keep your family as comfortable as possible for a low cost. If you install a humidifier along side with your HVAC system, there will be a team effort between the two systems to work together to make the living coniditions in the colder days more comfortable. How is this possible? The Facts Humidif...
Installing to Make You Comfortable
January 23, 2017
Choose Muse You never think of installation until you buy something new. More importantly, when you invest in a brand new HVAC system it has to be installed properly. That is why when you choose Muse, we will properly install it, and make sure it is the most energy efficient product for you. We want to save you money in the long run, and also make your home an ideal living space for you and your family. More Reasons to choose Muse Your home comfort system is most likely the single biggest use of energy in your home. In fact, over a third of the energy used in the United States is use...
Carbon Monoxide is Dangerous
January 16, 2017
Carbon Monoxide is Deadly Most days the thought of carbon monoxide doesn't even cross our minds. Every house has to have a Carbon Monoxide detector to keep you and your family safe. You may be thinking, "What even is Carbon Monoxide?" Well it is in fact a tasteless, colorless, and oderless gas that is slightly less dense than air, and is toxic to animals and humans. That is definately not the air you want to be breathing inside your home. But there is a simple solution to this deadly air. Carbon Monoxide Detectors A monitored carbon monoxide detector w...
Protecting your HVAC investment
January 09, 2017
Helping Prevent Major Issues The weather down south is very interesting isn't it? From wearing shorts on Christmas, to having a good snow at the beginning of the year; your HVAC systems have been at some real work. Changing it back and forth from heat and AC can be costly, and also put some pressure on your systems. We want your systems to be in top shape, and work correctly during a sporatic weather season! We want to help you out in every way we can; that way YOU as the customer knows that your family will feel the way they want to inside. Tips With regular maintenance you...
New Year, New System
January 03, 2017
Replacing the old Happy New Year! With the start of the new year, everyone is looking to start fresh. Air systems are usually an after thought in today's world, but did you know they can be replaced? We have the systems you are looking for! Your old system is most likely out of date especially if you have been living in the area for a while, and have not done any renovations. You may also be wondering, "Which unit would I even replace mine with?" Well with a quick look at our website, you will find there is an easy guide to tell you t...
Keeping Your Air Ducts Up to Date
December 27, 2016
The Weather Down South Living in the midsouth area, the weather is constantly changing. Whether it be waking up with the air conditioning on to going to sleep with the heat on, there are some mysterys going on inside your house. With your air ducts under some stress just this season, over the years it has also been accumulating a lot of dust. The bad news about having dust sitting there for a while is that it can reduce the efficiency of your system, and actually cause you discomfort or even illness. The Easy Solution The good news is that your air ducts can ...